Notice of changes – Rate changes to A Number Surcharging from 1 April 2023 (for certain originating countries).
We write further to our previous correspondence on surcharging to notify you that from 1 April 2023 A Number Surcharging will now be extended and split further into both Fixed and Mobile Originating Countries. Historically there has been 1 rate per originating country, now you will have different rates for fixed origination to UK fixed geo and NGN and mobile termination and mobile origination to UK fixed geo and NGN and mobile termination. Please note that some, all, or none of this may be relevant to your calls but we need to place everyone on notice of this and make you aware of the potential additional charges and any changes ongoing as the rates and pricing structure has also changed.
The A Number Surcharging is only applicable for calls originating from certain countries from fixed and mobile. You will find below a link to view and download an up to date list and pricing for each originating country for both fixed geo and NGN origination and mobile origination – please note that most rates have changed and been updated. The surcharge is a pence per minute charge, exclusive of VAT and is in addition to your normal rates. Some carriers have aggregated costs per country, we have also taken this approach for simplicity. Moving forward we will update our website with up to date pricing so please refer to this for any changes/ rate notifications.
You will only be charged for calls affected by the surcharging. In order to avoid any instances of having the A Number Surcharging applied you may wish to explore the option of terminating calls to IP.
We also remind you that in cases where the A Number CLI is anonymous, missing, corrupt, malformed or unknown most carriers are applying a penalty surcharge from the maximum price band for invalid CLI as set out below. This invalid CLI surcharge relates to all traffic regardless of origin, including calls originating in the UK.
Please kindly ensure that this notification is forwarded to the relevant member of your team.