Hey people! Our name is Crumina team and let us introduce our new amazing Flat UI Theme – Glider
The best choice for people who want to be successful!
Cool Visual Composer
With this powerful plugin it becomes so easy to build various creative modern layouts that can serve for any site purpose within a few minutes with no coding skills.
Translation ready + 3 langs.
The theme includes .po and .mo files that enables you to translate your theme into your native language using POedit program, which is very easy and convenient to use.
3 sliders included 50$val.
Crumina Slider, LayerSlider and Revolution slider allow you to create stunning slides with tons of options and features that make your site look breathtaking
Excellent Page Builder
The new Page Builder in our Glider theme possesses the functionality, which enables you to create either page or layout of your site the way you want it to be.
Clear and easy user interface
Our new Page Builder interface is so easy in use, that you can create a page in some minutes. It is very convenient and clear for everyone
More than 30 blocks for Page Builder
You will be impressed by the functional variety of Page Builder. It consists of about 40 blocks, which are the greatest source for generating layouts one-size-fits-all
If it is not enought for you
Visual Composser is inside our theme.
Client Testimonial
Just wanted to say hi and tell the world that this theme is by far the most advanced theme that we have purchased from Themeforest. It looks great and it feels that everything has been sorted out well.
Gregory MurreyMicrohard inc. develoder and ingeneer